Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 2024 - UMTA Chapter Meeting

 September 10, 2024

What a great way to start off the new school year!!  Meeting new music friends and sharing some great music ideas via games!!

Debbie Clementson started things off with a music game she created after a favorite of her grandmothers.  She had cards with prompts, such as:  What symbols tells you to hold a note longer than it's value?  (Hopefully they come up with "fermata" then they start grabbing letters from the large pile of letters in the middle of the table until they've spelled that word.  Another card might ask:  How many beats does a whole note get in 4/4 time?  They quickly spell out "FOUR!"  And so on.  A fun way to review some music ideas that may need polishing.

Patrice Hunt had everyone grab a pair of drumsticks and divided the group into four sets.  Each group was given a separate rhythm sheet entitled "I Love Eating Hot Dogs."  They had to pay attention to their group's rhythm sheet as all the groups played together.  It's a great way to involve a lot of students while practicing counting aloud and doing something different from other groups.  She also shared the Rhythm Cups game, seen in the video at the top.  Very fun for students!!

We then divided into three groups where each group was taught, and played, a different game.  Then we rotated a couple of times so we all got to learn/experience different games.

Amanda Horrocks shared a game of Tic Tac Toe using dice with different note values on them.  Each person took a turn rolling and if you had that on your card, you got to put a gem on it.  This game and many others can be found on The Practice Shoppe

Danielle Smith brought a game, along with Mel Burke, and Caroline Jennings all brought games that I didn't get to play!!  Hopefully, they'll send information on what their game was called and how to play it!!

Everyone brought treats to share and it was a wonderful 50 minutes together.

Next month's meeting will be Tuesday, October 8th at noon.  Patrice Hunt will be sharing several ideas you may never have heard of:  

  • The Royal Household
  • Two handed scales - two octaves...made easy!!
  • Ideas for mailing labels for your piano studio
  • Favorite pieces that can be initally taught by rote
It's going to be fast and furious...you will not be bored!!

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