Saturday, August 22, 2020

COVID 19 and UMTA Chapter Meetings

 The pandemic that reared its ugly head mid-March was gracious enough to wait until after the wonderfully successful Southern Utah Piano Pedagogy Conference held at Dixie State University under the leadership of Dr. Nancy Allred (DSU) and Dr. Christian Bohnenstengel (SUU).

Since that time, our chapter meetings were curtailed.  We have learned a lot about Zoom meetings and the many benefits of technology.  Therefore, our first few meetings beginning with September 2020 will be held via Zoom.  Details will be coming later via email.  We all look forward to getting back to normal and enjoying the associations with have with our chapter!

Taking a snippet from the UMTA website, below are listed the meetings that will be held in September and October.

We hope you'll plan to join us from the comfort of wherever you may be!

Additional calendar information can always be found at: