Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas & Music...a great combination!!

Our December chapter meeting focused on some of the favorite presentations attended by our members at the 2019 UMTA Conference.  Some of the favorites included:  ideas for teaching special needs students; Brian Chung presentation on how as music teachers we are "life shapers"; and how it's important to be specific in our praise.  Instead of saying, "Nice," we might want to try being more specific and saying, "Your scales sounded especially clean and articulate today!"  These were some great reminders for those who went to conference, and those who weren't able to go!

Karen Baker, our St. George Chapter President also shared a very creative and effective color-coded early education music program that is especially useful with young children and mentally challenged individuals.  It's called Pelican Piano and can be found on Amazon:   Pelican Piano


After the presentations, we enjoyed playing some Christmas song charades, and had some great Christmas treats!!  Thanks to all those who came and shared in the fun!