St George Chapter UMTA/MTNA
September 9, 2010
Attendees: Members: Cynthia Coombs, Randalin Hilton, Patrice Hunt, Caroline Jennings, Julia Monson, Carole Terry, Rhanda Todd; Visitors: Laura Leavitt, Jamie Stucki, Sidney Leake.
Chapter President Caroline Jennings welcomed all to the meeting. She stressed the need for a secretary and asked for a volunteer. A brief discussion of the State UMTA website revealed that under ‘find a teacher’ non UMTA members can locate teachers’ names. More details are available to members only. The State UMTA Conference will be held November 5 and 6. Details are on the website. All former members are encouraged to pay their national/state/local dues as soon as possible.
PROGRAM: Jamie Stucki presented a structural approach to teaching technique and theory to students. She introduced the state sponsored Achievement in Music syllabus and suggested order of presentation. She covered Technic, Theory, Music History, Sight Reading, Ear Training, Creative Musicianship and Performance preparation. She invited all members to enter students in the AIM evaluations which will probably be held the first Saturday in May this year.
Caroline said that the new syllabus for AIM will be available at the State Conference. It will be in CD form and study guides will be available for each level. Heather Smith is in charge, on the state level, of AIM materials. They may be purchased by contacting her.
For the State Convention, only students who are members of FAIM will play in the master classes. William Westney, author of The Perfect Wrong Note, and Robert Vandall are guest presenters at the convention this year. Both will also conduct master classes.