Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What's in YOUR Teaching Toolbox?

Today we had the distinct pleasure of having our UMTA State President, Rosemary Olson present a great workshop on some of her favorite teaching tools.  She used every second of the 50 minutes we had, and filled us with wonderful ideas and suggestions that were new and exciting.

Just a few of our favorites:

COUNTING SYSTEMS:  (If they can say it, they can play it!)
There were several suggestions, but a really fun one went like this...
(four counts per measure)
One quarter note = tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh
Two eighth notes = tuh-kuh, tuh-kuh,  tuh-kuh, tuh-kuh
Four sixteenth notes = yuh-guh-dug-uh, yuh-guh-dug-uh, yuh-guh-dug-uh, yuh-guh-dug-uh,
One eighth note and two sisteenths = yuh...dug-uh, yuh...dug-uh, yuh...dug-uh, yuh...dug-uh
Two sixteenths, one eighth = yuh-guh-duh..., yuh-guh-duh..., yuh-guh-duh..., yuh-guh-duh...

Bouncing Triads - LH plays the chord 3 x's, then RH plays an octave higher 3 x's, then LH reaches over to next octave and plays 3 x's, then RH plays an octave higher...repeat same thing going down.
Then, do it again with playing chords 2 x's; then do it 1 x, then do it with broken (arpeggios).

"Shall I sit in the 'Listening Chair' or in the 'Helping Chair'?"  This helps the student identify which they would prefer at that particular moment...help with something, or listening appreciation.


When a student is playing a piece that is almost performance ready, every time they make a mistake they must stop, make HUGE arm  circles up, out and around as they loudly proclaim, "How FASCINATING!"  This serves several purposes...helping to lighten the mood, gives some great oxygen intake, helps the student concentrate on where their hands need to return to, and just makes it FUN!

Sorrisi Infantili - (Childhood Smiles) by Pozzoli, Ricordi, publisher is an incredible resource for amazing 5-finger duets.

Sooooo, if you missed this month's meeting, you missed a LOT!!!  Hope to see everyone next month!!