Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Performance Evaluations will be held in-person at Dixie State University on October 8-9, 2021.

If you are a member of UMTA the cost is $10/solo K-12 or 412/solo Collegiate/Adult.  If you are not a member of UMTA the entry cost if $30/student.

If you need more information, please email Patrice Hunt at huntent@gmail.com

You can find more information on the UMTA website.

Holli Archer - "Registration to Recital: Tech Hacks for Your Studio and Life"

 It was great to be back for our 2021-22 UMTA chapter meetings!  We've decided to continue hosting them via Zoom so more members can attend.  

Holli presented a LOT of great ideas that we can implement in our studios to save us time and help us engage with our students, their parents, and the public.

October's meeting will feature Christopher Oill - Level Up with Left Hand Patterns

Left hand patterns easily turn “that was nice,” into “holy smokes!” Come hear how famous composers did it, and how you can, too.

Bonus: the handout has tons of patterns to try at home!

Christopher Oill composes piano pieces for The FJH Music Company, Inc., works for Faber Piano Adventures, and owns the Oill Piano Universe. He holds an M.M. in Piano Performance Pedagogy from Arizona State University.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Untimely Passing of Dr. Lynn Dean

 It was with very heavy hearts that we learned of the passing of our friend, mentor, colleague, and long-time member of our St. George Chapter/UMTA due to a three-week battle with Covid19.  His passing was on July 23, 2021 and his funeral took place on Friday, July 29, 2021.  His obituary can be found here.

His influence can't be overstated.  With a studio of private students reaching up to 99 at times, and teaching as an adjunct faculty member at Dixie State University, he still found time to serve as the UMTA State President, and in many other positions along the way.  

Our closing social in May was the last chapter meeting he attended.  And he was lots of fun, as usual.  Thank you, Lynn, for being of such good influence in so many of our lives!!  We miss you!!  

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Closing Social at Vernon Worthen Park


After a very "strange:" year of wonderful Zoom meetings, it was delightful to meet together at the park and enjoy just being together.  (Sorry we took the picture after you left, McKayla and Mark!)  It was great getting to know some of our new members, and learning new things about our long-time members!!

We hope everyone enjoys their summer, sorry we missed a few of our members: Brandon, Christian, Tallie, Elouise, Debbie, Julia, Jacob, Brenda, & Lindsay.

We look forward to many more great chapter meetings starting in September!

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Perfect Practice presented by Dr. Nancy Allred

 Wow!!  If you ever wanted some great ideas on how to help your students become much more ACCURATE with their practicing, stop right here!!  Watch the video!

Dr. Allred gave us this Perfect Practice handout that is full of great ideas.  One big take-away that is going up in MY studio is:

"It is important to practice

at the speed of



Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Composing Within Your Studio - Part 2

 We were so excited to get "Part 2" of this great presentation by Denise Frost.  As one of our members put it so well, "I've never had composing taught so easily...that I'm actually now teaching composing in my studio."  (See video at the bottom)

This sentiment echos loud and clear.  We have been given EASY tool to use to help our students explore the world of creating their compositions.

Some great suggestions included:

Open Triad - use the middle note of the LH chord, and put it an octave higher in the RH melody.

Question & Answer:  Use Mary Had A Little Lamb as an easy example of this.

Start with a chord progression, using the "pie" of 6 chords.  

In this case:

C  F   G  and Am  Dm  and Em.   

These chords are great "friends" and work well together.  Pick 4 to work with.  

*  You can use any adjacent wedges of the pie to create a composition in any key.

LH Accompaniment Ideas:

Add a 5th interval note

"Enya" style with LH 1-5-8-10-13  or any combination of these

Use cadences - I  IV - V - V7 etc

Make up lyrics to add a rhythm.  We came up with:

"Such a beau-ti-ful warm spring-day.

I like chew-ing bub-ble-gum in the hay."

Don't forget that repeating patterns can be very nice.

THANK YOU, DENISE, for a delightful presentation!

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Learning from the Great Masters of the World

 Wow!!  What an inspiring and interesting zoom meeting we had today.  Paula Manwaring, UMTA President was our guest presenter and certainly gave us our "money's worth!"  If you missed the meeting, or would like to hear it again, please click the link below:

The book, "The Ignorant Maestro" by Itah Talgam was a great resource and has invaluable information.  Paula shared many excellent quotes and information about several great maestros, including Muti, Tuscanini, Strauss, Karajans, Kleiber and Bernstein.  It was extremely interesting to hear about these conductors and their different focuses...and how that can translate into our teaching.

So worth our investment of time to be at this meeting.  Hope to see everyone on March 2nd (date changed to the first Tuesday in March due to Spring Break!)  Denise Frost will be presenting Part 2 of  Composing in Your Studio.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 Denise Frost, UMTA President-Elect, presented an inspiring workshop zoom meeting for our January chapter meeting.  Zoom has made it possible for more of our members to attend and it was wonderful to see so many there.

There were three handouts, but the "Ideas that Initiate" was covered the most.  There were excellent ideas and demonstrations about how to implement these composing ideas with our students.  It made "composing" seem so much easier to implement.  Everyone seemed to appreciate what they heard today!

If you need to contact Denise, her email is:  frostbyte@frontiernet.net

Her phone is:  four-three-five 459-one-six-seven-nine.


1. Person, Place, or Thing

2. Image, Painting, Sculpture

3. Write a little rhyme, choose a melody from a 5 finger pattern

4. Try rolling a dice (Mozart) or spelling your name (or your dog's name!)

(Use the Secret Alphabet Code!) 1 2 3 4 5 6

a b c d e f

g h i j k l

m n o p q r

s t u v w x

y z

1-do, 2-re, 3-mi, 4-fa, 5-so, 6-la

Example: “Patrice” would be 5 1 2 6 3 5

so do re la mi so

In the key of C Major: G C D A E G

5. Comic Strip, Cartoon, Story, TV Show, Super Hero, Video Game

6. Color, Weather, or Animal

7. A Feeling: Scared, Reverent, Confident, Lonely, Excited, Angry

8. Mode of Transportation: Train, Horse & Buggy, Car, Jet, Pirate Ship

9. Poem

10. Telephone number, Address (435 459 1679)

11. Familiar song with a different melody or rhythm

12. Create a rhythm first—use fruit or candy bar names, then add melody

13. Imitate sounds: Waterfall, Lightning, Thunder, Wind, Birds, Chimes

14. A season or holiday: Christmas, Spring, Halloween, Autumn, July 4th

15. An idea from another piece of music

16. A pattern, repeated or sequenced

17. A chord progression (Jon Schmidt style)

30 great chord progressions free @ timtopham.com/chords

18. 12 Bar Blues / “Andalusian” Chord Progression (Am, G, F, E)

19. How a conversation or argument might sound

20. Fiddle around!!! Have a happy accident!


“In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune

that nobody else has thought of.” --Robert Schumann