Thursday, July 11, 2024

St. George Chapter Leadership

Tiffany Barnes Watts

Vice President: 
TBD (I'm open to suggestions whenever.)

Carole Terry

Performance Evaluations Committee Head:  
Rachel France

AIM Chair:  
Caroline Jennings

Patrice Hunt*

Cedar City Liaison: 
(Hopeful to have Christian Bohnenstengel) 

President Emeritus:  
Mark Gubler

Local Collegiate Chapters:
SUU Collegiate Chapter President:  TBD
Utah Tech Collegiate Chapter President:  TBD


 We had our Closing Social in May at Vernon Worthen Park and enjoyed visiting with many of our music colleagues!

There are several changes taking place, biggest being the changing of "the guard" as Mark Gubler's tenure as president of the St. George UMTA chapter has come to an end.  We appreciate so very much the time and work he has put in, with many others, to keep our chapter moving forward.

Tiffany Barnes Watts has been nominated and elected as the new UMTA - St. George President for the 2024-26 term.  We look forward to her leadership and input.

"Item number next," as Dr. Lynn Dean would say:  Performance Evaluations are coming up so please prepared your students now to be ready to perform the end of September.  More definitive dates will be coming soon.  If you have questions, please reach out to Rachel France.