Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 Performance Evaluations will be held in-person at Dixie State University on October 8-9, 2021.

If you are a member of UMTA the cost is $10/solo K-12 or 412/solo Collegiate/Adult.  If you are not a member of UMTA the entry cost if $30/student.

If you need more information, please email Patrice Hunt at huntent@gmail.com

You can find more information on the UMTA website.

Holli Archer - "Registration to Recital: Tech Hacks for Your Studio and Life"

 It was great to be back for our 2021-22 UMTA chapter meetings!  We've decided to continue hosting them via Zoom so more members can attend.  

Holli presented a LOT of great ideas that we can implement in our studios to save us time and help us engage with our students, their parents, and the public.

October's meeting will feature Christopher Oill - Level Up with Left Hand Patterns

Left hand patterns easily turn “that was nice,” into “holy smokes!” Come hear how famous composers did it, and how you can, too.

Bonus: the handout has tons of patterns to try at home!

Christopher Oill composes piano pieces for The FJH Music Company, Inc., works for Faber Piano Adventures, and owns the Oill Piano Universe. He holds an M.M. in Piano Performance Pedagogy from Arizona State University.