UMTA – St. George Chapter Bylaws

 UMTA – St. George Chapter Bylaws


Section 1. Active membership is open to all individuals professionally engaged in any field of musical activity. Such membership provides the privileges of participation in the activities of the Association, attendance at meetings upon payment of membership dues, holding office, voting, and receiving a subscription to The American Music Teacher. All members must also be members of MTNA. MTNA strongly encourages its members to adopt the Code of Ethics as their personal model of professional conduct.

Section 2. Associate membership is open to all persons not professionally engaged in any field of musical activity who wish to support the program of the Association. Such membership provides admission to all programs of the Association upon payment of membership dues, but does not include the right to vote or hold office. The associate member will receive a subscription to The American Music Teacher.

Section 3. Student membership shall be open to all full-time college students currently involved in music study, who are also members of an affiliated association. Student members shall be entitled to attend programs of the Association upon payment of the registration fee and to receive the official Association publication, but shall not have the right to vote, hold office, apply for national certification, or enter students into MTNA competitions.

Membership for high school students is limited to local and state association, and entitles them to participate in recitals and state evaluations, but not MTNA-sponsored activities.

Section 4. Conference registration is open to any individual who is interested in attending conference meetings of the Association. Such membership provides the privilege of attending conferences, for which a special fee is charged, but does not include annual membership, or the right to vote or hold office.

Section 5. No person who has been convicted of a crime involving the sexual or other abuse of a person shall be a member of UMTA. Any accusation that a member of the UMTA has been convicted of a crime involving sexual or other abuse of a person shall be reported to the President of UMTA, who shall immediately report the accusation to the President of MTNA, who shall appoint a three-person committee to ascertain the validity of a conviction. If the committee substantiates that a person has been convicted of a crime involving sexual or other abuse of a person, the President of MTNA shall immediately terminate the membership and the certification of that person. Any action authorized by the MTNA President in this resolution may be appealed to the Board of Directors of MTNA.

Any membership terminated under this section shall be reinstated upon the filing with the MTNA President of a certified copy of the judgment reversing the conviction.


The UMTA fiscal year will be from July 1 to June 30.


The membership year is the same as the fiscal year: July 1 to June 30. The student membership year shall be October 1 to September 30.


Section 1. Annual membership dues for active and association members are determined by the Board of Directors of UMTA. The payment of such dues entitles members to all benefits and privileges of the Association.

Section 2. Student membership dues are established by the UMTA State Board. They shall have the privilege of attending chapter meetings. They are not entitled to voting privileges.

Section 3. The membership year for all membership categories except that of student membership shall coincide with the fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.

Section 4. State convention fees are determined by the UMTA Board of Directors.

Section 5. Membership dues are due no later than July 1 each year, after which date members are not in good standing nor entitled to any of the privileges of membership.


Section 1. In June of each odd-numbered year, a Nominating Committee shall be convened to nominate the President-Elect. The committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President, two (2) members of the State Board, and two (2) from the general membership of the Association. These members shall be elected by the UMTA Board. The chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be the Immediate Past President, who will call a meeting of the Committee and prepare a ballot. The ballot shall be presented to the Board for their approval at their next Board meeting. Each candidate shall have given his or her consent to serve.

The approved ballot shall be presented to the membership for voting at the next business meeting.

Section 2. The Active members of UMTA shall elect, by a majority vote, the President-Elect of the Association. Nominations from the floor shall be allowed, provided the nominee is eligible for election and has consented to be a candidate. This consent must be given in writing or given in person at the meeting. Election by the members must be by secret ballot. In the event of only one nominee for the office, the President may recommend election by general consent. The election shall take place at an annual meeting during odd years.

Section 3. The President-Elect, upon the completion of term of office, shall become President of the Association. Should the elected President-Elect be unable to assume the Presidency, the President shall be elected, for that term only, in the same manner as that of other officers.

Section 4. Each officer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be the same as the fiscal year, beginning on July 1 in even-numbered years and ending on June 30 two (2) years later.

Section 5. All officers, State and Chapter, must be active members in good standing of UMTA and MTNA, current on all dues and adhering to the UMTA Code of Ethics.

Section 6. No officer may hold a national, division, or state office concurrently except the Immediate Past President.

Section 7. A vacancy in any office, except that of President, shall be filled by the President in consultation with the Executive Board of Directors, and be subject to the approval of the UMTA General Board. A President-Elect selected in this manner cannot assume the office of President without being elected to that office.


Section 1. President

(A) The President presides at meetings of the Association; calls and presides at meetings of the Executive Board of Directors and State General Board; appoints all standing committees and special committees as they are needed, subject to approval of the Executive Board of Directors; and performs all other duties implied by the title.

(B) The President shall review all warrants and, together with the Treasurer, shall approve all checks. Two signatures shall be required on each check: the Treasurer and one other approved member of the Board of Directors.

(C) The President or alternate shall visit each chapter once during his/her term of office.

Section 2. Immediate Past President

(A) The Immediate Past-President shall be chairman of the Nominating Committee which shall consist of four (4) members, two (2) from the UMTA State Board, and two (2) from the general membership of the Association.

Section 3. The President-Elect

(A) The President-Elect is the First Vice President and assumes all the duties of the President in the absence of that office.

(B) The President-Elect is the committee chairperson for the state convention.

Section 4. The Second Vice President

The Second Vice President is the committee chairperson for the MTNA Performance Competitions at the state level.

Section 5. Secretaries

The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; shall maintain a roll of the membership; shall mark absentees at State Board Meetings; shall read minutes of previous Board Meetings; shall record proceedings of what is done, not debated; shall record names of members who introduce motions; shall notify committee members of appointments and business; shall take charge of all documents when requested belonging to UMTA and sign official documents as needed; shall be custodian of the permanent records of the Association; and shall present to the membership the minutes of State meetings and recommendations of the Board of Directors; shall call meetings to order in absence of President and President-Elect, to proceed until an election of a chairman pro-tem which should take place immediately.

The Corresponding Secretary shall have a list of all general membership, officers and board members; shall notify all board members of meetings; shall conduct correspondence as directed; and shall report important correspondence at meetings.

Section 6. Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for the maintenance of proper financial records and for the preparation of an annual report to the General Board of Directors and UMTA membership; shall receive all funds of the Association and make proper distribution to UMTA and Local Chapters; shall sign all checks and pay all bills authorized by the Board and upon warrants signed by the President. Before the fiscal year ends, the books of the Treasurer shall be audited by a committee of three members appointed by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the principal administrative body of the Association and is responsible, along with the President, for all business of the Association. It shall have the power to fill all vacancies occurring in any office.

Code of Ethics

We, as members of Music Teachers National Association, having dedicated ourselves to the advancement of musical knowledge and education, aspire to the following principles of ethical practice as standards of professional conduct. Voluntarily following this Code of Ethics will demonstrate and enhance each member’s professional integrity, fostering respect from our fellow colleagues.

Responsibilities To Our Students:

• The relationship between teacher and student shall be established, maintained and terminated in a professional manner with dignity and respect.

• Members are responsible for encouraging, guiding, and developing the musical potential of each student, with the teacher clearly communicating the expectations of the studio.

• Members shall encourage students to participate in school, church, and community music activities.

• Members will expect students and parents to cooperate with UMTA events’ schedules, and to maintain the highest standard of conduct and civility when participating in UMTA/MTNA functions.

• Members shall sustain the decisions of judges and demonstrate to their students and parents respect for those who administer UMTA programs, recognizing that UMTA programs are run by voluntary efforts.

Responsibilities To Our Colleagues:

• Members shall maintain a professional attitude and shall act with integrity in regard to colleagues in their profession.

• Members shall participate as fully as possible in activities of Music Teachers National Association.

• Members shall provide professional assistance to one another as possible when such assistance is requested.

• Members shall respect the rights of colleagues when speaking of other teachers' work and/or students and shall avoid conflict with the instruction of a student's regular teacher when serving as an interim instructor.

• Members entering transfer students in any UMTA program who have studied in the past year with another teacher will acknowledge previous teacher’s contributions.

Responsibilities To Our Public:

• Members shall maintain the highest standard of moral conduct, professional conduct, and personal integrity.

• Members shall exhibit the highest standard of expertise by maintaining their professional abilities in their fields of teaching and performing.

• Members shall maintain and increase the prestige of the art of teaching and shall promote the teaching of music as a culturally enriching profession.

• When asked, members shall assist those seeking guidance in selecting an independent teacher by suggesting the names of two or more teachers in the community. The final choice shall be made by the parent and student.

• Members shall refrain from making exaggerated claims or misleading statements concerning their teaching qualifications. Advertising copy shall be dignified, strictly truthful and representative of the art of music and its responsibility to the community.

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