Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Today's presentation was something I wished I had known a couple of years ago when I had my first "Let's Play Music graduates" come into my studio!!  Rachel France did the main presentation.  She dispelled any misgivings right from the beginning:  "This is not a presentation to tell you why you should be doing 'Let's Play Music.'  It's to help you know what to do with a student who has been through the 'Let's Play Music' program."  And that's exactly what she shared.  It was SO enlightening and inspired us to seek out students who have graduated from this program.

From my own experience, my two "graduates" from LPM have been delightful, and easy to teach, because of their understanding of so many musical concepts.  Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have had to "back pedal" teaching them things they already knew, but with a different "language."  I didn't know what Red, Yellow and Blue chords were...and they didn't know what I, IV and V chords were...but we were both talking about the same things!  Now I know!  There are several LPM teachers in our area and they are graduating students from their programs, and looking for independent teachers who KNOW how to integrate LPM students into their program.  It would be a great benefit to UMTA teachers and LPM students alike, to become a Connections Teacher for LPM.  LPM CONNECTIONS INFO  It is easy to do, and very cost effective!!  (I'm starting the process today!!)  Thanks, Rachel, for an excellent presentation and information!

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