Tuesday, May 10, 2016


How can it be the end of our membership year already?!?!  Well, it is and what a great year it has been!!  And the closing social was great, too!!!  We had a potluck luncheon with a great variety of food to choose from.  We enjoyed visiting and catching up with each other while eating.

Isaac Gish gave us a short rundown on his website that is very beneficial to music teachers looking for additional students, and other great resources for a VERY low monthly fee.  Check it out at ST GEORGE MUSIC TEACHERS.COM

After that, Caroline Jennings ran herd on us as her "students" and we had a lively time with Wendy Stevens' Compose Create Rhythm Cups.  We had a lot of fun, and our students will, too!!  If you want more information, check it out here: RHYTHM CUPS

Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing their ideas this year.  Enjoy the summer, and we'll see everyone back here in September!!

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