Monday, December 19, 2016

Teaching Suggestions from Dr. Ann David - Solfeggietto

By Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Suggestions for Teaching by Dr. Ann David

Piano Literature Volume Three; Compiled & Edited by James Bastien; Kjos

1.      S(tudent) number measures in a box at front of each line if no numbers
2.      Ask what key: Key Signature; Two choices – Major/minor; Examine beginning & end
3.      Ask which hand plays what – how can you tell?   How would you count this piece [Huckleberries] Maybe have S write in the H and B throughout with T help if needed.
4.      S plays meas. 1 to first note of meas. 5 [FINGERING: Meas. 1 RH pattern begins 24321 followed by extension 4321.  Meas. 2 begins same: run begins with 5 & follows scale fingering.  Repeat fingering in meas. 3-4 ending with first note of meas. 5.]  Ask S what key for this part.  Ask how best to count the piece [♬♬ patterned pieces are huckleberry]
5.       Skip to meas. 9 through first note of meas. 13.  Repeat same process as before using the same fingering as before. [Yes, the thumb will play the F# - no big deal.] What key?
6.      Meas. 14 to first note of meas. 21: Same fingering; with all runs, name the change in keys
7.      Meas. 31 to end: remember all four parts are based on the same fingering
8.      Go back and have S play all four parts.
9.      Ask if S can play all four by memory next lesson – identical fingering for all is a must!

1.      Check memory of four parts.  Praise what is solid; ask S to reinforce next week [sure memory]
2.      T(eacher) helps S ANALYZE meas. 26 through meas. 30.  [LH clefs; check upper chord notes move by half steps; play several times; try playing with eyes closed]  [RH block patterns; in meas. 26 on see relationship with E to E to D to D to C going from top to bottom of sixths – use 5 on top note and 1 on bottom – scrunch and stretch between related notes.  This is the ‘trickiest’ part so it is important to see and understand how both hands move.  ASSIGN THIS SECTION HS SO PATTERNS/MOVEMENT ARE SOLID.

1.      Review four-part memory.  Ask S to try crescendo/diminuendo in each section.
2.      Check HS work for meas. 26-30.  If solid, ask S to block LH then RH, LH then RH, etc. through section.  Practice all as assigned during week with huckleberries.
3.      REMEMBER: S is working on theory, scales, and 3-4 other pieces in various ways at the same time.  The S is learning the theory regarding this piece by tearing it apart, what it looks like on the page, to memorize with knowledge, and to know through consistent fingering what it feels like; all result in sure memory.

              Continue going backwards [BW] with analyzing, learning, memorizing sections until you are back to the first run and have the entire piece learned. USE METRONOME as you go since Students tend to go faster with parts that are solid and slower with the new. The new sections, regardless of length have similar parts to what has already been covered.  Block chord passages like meas.21, 13-16, 5-6.  Note common A in meas. 7-8, Continue dynamic rise and fall of lines.  The trill in meas. 25 is a hippopotamus . . . D E D C D  with a slight ritard . . .  and got directly  to LH chord.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Transitioning from Method-Only Mode...

Dr. Ann David came down from Salt Lake City to share some of her ideas with us.  One of the very impressive parts of her presentation was her explanation that she has Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 45 years and undergone 39 surgeries to correct some of the resultant problems.  A great example of fortitude and endurance!  The biggest focus of her lecture was to encourage all teachers to be aware of the needs of their students and not think that "one method fits all."  She brought a large library of books to "show-and-tell" and passed around to give us exposure to things we may not have used before.  There is SO much available.  We could have spent a couple of hours together!

Dr. David also briefly touched on implementing improvisation, and lead sheets, encouraging the use of Fake Books to intro our students to other repertoire.  She also had recommendations for effective and efficient studio policies, including payment procedures and effective late-payment strategies.

She covered a LOT in the small amount of time we had together.

At the end, we had some fun "drawings" for prizes.  Lots of people left with fun gifts.  Hope to see at January's year...only a few weeks away!

Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Fanning the Flame with FUN!!!

Paula Manwaring and daughter, Tiffany Horrocks, presented a great workshop on making things fun for kids...our students...and fun it was for us at our meeting!!

We played rhythm games, speed matching games, and teamed up for some games testing our drawing (and recognizing the drawing!) abilities!  Some great ideas for use in our own lessons.  Simple little things, thrown in here and there, can really help our students love their lessons while learning at the same time!

Check out this Piano Camp fun with Rhythm!!


REMEMBER:  NO CHAPTER MEETING IN NOVEMBER...UMTA STATE CONFERENCE NOVEMBER 4-5 at Weber State University.  See you in December for our Chapter meeting with Dr. Ann David...among other things, she will be discussing how to take the next step from method books to expanded literature.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

MUSIC MOTIVATION...and then some!!

What a great way to start off the new school year and our UMTA-St. George Chapter meetings!!  Jerald Simon came down from northern Utah and gave a jam-packed presentation that left us wanting more time to digest everything he presented.  WOW!!

Jerald gave us a handout listing the "FIRST 5 Steps of Practical Application of Theory" which was motivating and very helpful just by itself!  If you missed out, you might want to check out this link:  MUSIC MOTIVATION - Theory Application

** A side note after the presentation - A few of us stayed after and were talking with Jerald, when he mentioned a study that was done at WSU (I think that's where he said it was...)  Anyway, the study was showing how playing pieces in EVERY key, even as simple as Mary Had A Little Lamb, or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, connects neuro-pathways and makes NEW connections as well...which, in turn, helps stave off dementia, etc.!!  Aren't we glad we teach piano?!?!

We learned all kinds of stuff today!  Thanks, Jerald!!

You might want to go to Jerald's Website and check it out.  He has MANY resources and free stuff to share with teachers and students!  An excellent resource!!

Saturday, September 3, 2016


YEP, Performance Evals are nearly here!!!  (Is it truly September, already?!?!)

The registration deadline is Saturday, October 8th.  The Performance Evaluation dates are Friday, October 21st, and Saturday, October 22.  Both days will be at the Eccles Fine Arts Building at Dixie State University.  Dr. Lynn Dean is our Region Chair for this event.  PLEASE make sure you have your students' information (AND money) submitted BEFORE October 8th.

Here are links to the information you need:




If you have questions, please contact Dr. Lynn Dean.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


The summer has flown by and it's almost time for our GREAT UMTA CHAPTER MEETINGS to start up again!  Hopefully, you've enjoyed your summer and are renewed and invigorated for your teaching schedule and the students/parents in your realm of influence!!

Here's some housekeeping items:

  • Make sure you have renewed your UMTA membership!!  Sometimes this slips by and suddenly we're not receiving information anymore.  If you don't have a current membership, you need to pay $10 for each chapter meeting you attend.  You also are not eligible to receive the temporary parking pass that UMTA members get.  Click here to RENEW MEMBERSHIP
  • If you would like to see what's coming up for the next year, please check out the UMTA website.  Click here for our LOCAL ASSOCIATION CALENDAR.  
  • All chapter meetings will be held at Dixie State University, at noon, in PAB Room 119...which is different than the room we used last year.
  • If you need a parking pass, have questions, concerns, or suggestions, please email Patrice Hunt at

We are looking forward to hearing some great musical ideas and suggestions from some very talented presenters.  AND we look forward to our association with each other!!  Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


How can it be the end of our membership year already?!?!  Well, it is and what a great year it has been!!  And the closing social was great, too!!!  We had a potluck luncheon with a great variety of food to choose from.  We enjoyed visiting and catching up with each other while eating.

Isaac Gish gave us a short rundown on his website that is very beneficial to music teachers looking for additional students, and other great resources for a VERY low monthly fee.  Check it out at ST GEORGE MUSIC TEACHERS.COM

After that, Caroline Jennings ran herd on us as her "students" and we had a lively time with Wendy Stevens' Compose Create Rhythm Cups.  We had a lot of fun, and our students will, too!!  If you want more information, check it out here: RHYTHM CUPS

Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing their ideas this year.  Enjoy the summer, and we'll see everyone back here in September!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


We've sure had a fun year of workshops, and our April meeting was full of "hands-on" fun!!

Everyone brought a duet or two to share and we had lots of participation with "volunteers" jumping in to sightread with friends!  Pictures are worth a thousand words!

Dr. Nancy Allred and Dr. Lynn Dean

 Rebecca and Caroline

Connie and Caroline
Caroline and Carole

How fast should we take Saber Dance???  Pretty darn!!!
A fun four-some playing Jambalaya by Rocherelle
Here's a short list of some of the favorites shared:
Saber Dance (two piano/four hands); Solfegietto - (two piano/four hands)
Brightwood Barn by Vandall
Ostinato Barbaro  by Vandall
The Spanish Tornado by Noona (we forgot to play this's good!!)
Hopscotch by Joyce Grill
The Cricket and the Bullfrog by Costello

Recommended books:
Jazz, Rags and Blues Bk 3, played Louisiana Strut
Dynamic Duets by Bober
Celebrated Piano Duets by Vandall
A Star Spangled Celebration by Martha Mier
Music for Sharing (equal parts) by Margaret Goldston

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sage Suggestions from Our Very Own Dr. Dean!

Dr. Lynn Dean has been teaching piano for over 50 years (unbelievable, yet true!!)  It was about time we took advantage of his great storehouse of knowledge, wisdom and experience!!  The only regret...that we didn't have an additional hour to learn all that we could!!

Luckily, Lynn gave us each a great handout with more than 30 sage suggestions and observations regarding teaching and the students that come with it.  Having had the privilege of being one of Lynn's students for three years about 5 years ago I can attest he lives by what he taught us.  And he always does it in such a fun-loving way!!  Here are just a few of his observations, and things we can learn from:

1.  C Major is NOT the easiest of the 12 major scales!

2.  Ducks are to be kept quiet...or shot!!! (You had to be there for this demonstration!)

3.  Students almost always hold onto the last of a series of staccato notes.

4.  "Dorkweed" may actually be an appropriate name at times!

5.  It's difficult to play legato repeated notes.  (Lynn showed us an easy way to teach this skill.)

6.  The slower you go, the faster you'll get there.

Once again, our UMTA Chapter meeting sent us home with an improved arsenal of tools to help us become even better at what we do, which helps us AND our students enjoy our time together immensely!

See you next month!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What's in YOUR Teaching Toolbox?

Today we had the distinct pleasure of having our UMTA State President, Rosemary Olson present a great workshop on some of her favorite teaching tools.  She used every second of the 50 minutes we had, and filled us with wonderful ideas and suggestions that were new and exciting.

Just a few of our favorites:

COUNTING SYSTEMS:  (If they can say it, they can play it!)
There were several suggestions, but a really fun one went like this...
(four counts per measure)
One quarter note = tuh, tuh, tuh, tuh
Two eighth notes = tuh-kuh, tuh-kuh,  tuh-kuh, tuh-kuh
Four sixteenth notes = yuh-guh-dug-uh, yuh-guh-dug-uh, yuh-guh-dug-uh, yuh-guh-dug-uh,
One eighth note and two sisteenths = yuh...dug-uh, yuh...dug-uh, yuh...dug-uh, yuh...dug-uh
Two sixteenths, one eighth = yuh-guh-duh..., yuh-guh-duh..., yuh-guh-duh..., yuh-guh-duh...

Bouncing Triads - LH plays the chord 3 x's, then RH plays an octave higher 3 x's, then LH reaches over to next octave and plays 3 x's, then RH plays an octave higher...repeat same thing going down.
Then, do it again with playing chords 2 x's; then do it 1 x, then do it with broken (arpeggios).

"Shall I sit in the 'Listening Chair' or in the 'Helping Chair'?"  This helps the student identify which they would prefer at that particular with something, or listening appreciation.


When a student is playing a piece that is almost performance ready, every time they make a mistake they must stop, make HUGE arm  circles up, out and around as they loudly proclaim, "How FASCINATING!"  This serves several purposes...helping to lighten the mood, gives some great oxygen intake, helps the student concentrate on where their hands need to return to, and just makes it FUN!

Sorrisi Infantili - (Childhood Smiles) by Pozzoli, Ricordi, publisher is an incredible resource for amazing 5-finger duets.

Sooooo, if you missed this month's meeting, you missed a LOT!!!  Hope to see everyone next month!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Dr. Nancy Allred presented today at our first 2016 chapter meeting!!  And it was GREAT!!!

Her Top Five Techiques are:
  1. 5-Finger Patterns
  2. Scales
  3. Chord/triads
  4. Arpeggios
  5. Sight-reading Tips

Now, that sounds basic enough, but what can't really be covered here were the handouts and the discussion that was only limited by time running out!!  SO much was covered and lots of questions answered.  I am motivated to review MY teaching and improve in lots of "technical" areas.

Thanks for a great presentation, Dr. Allred!!!

* Special welcome to our newest member, Brittany Tilby!  And welcome to Elise Clarke, who joined a few months ago, and is now able to attend!!

We welcome ALL to our meetings, but please remember that only first-time attenders are free.  All others, please pay $10 and enjoy the meeting you paid for!!