Wednesday, December 9, 2020

December 2020's Zoom "Party"

 We normally have a Christmas gathering in December for UMTA where we share ideas and treats.  This year wasn't any different other than the way things were "delivered."

A few days before our meeting, Karen Baker, Chapter President, made up several batches of THE BEST molasses (ginger snap?) cookies and hand-delivered a darling Christmas box to each member of our chapter.  It was very sweet in more ways than one!!

On Tuesday we met via Zoom and enjoyed meeting new members and connecting with everyone!

 December 2020 Chapter Meeting Recording  (sorry I forgot to start the recording the first ten minutes!!)

We shared ideas gleaned from the 2020 Conference presentations, as well as other teaching tips.  It was a great time connecting with colleagues in spite of pandemic restraints!!

We hope everyone has a most wonderful and enjoyable Christmas!!  Let's be sure to count our blessings much more than we recount our problems!!  

We look forward to seeing everyone in January for our next chapter meeting.  Denice Frost, UMTA President-Elect will be presenting on Composing Within Your Studio.  She has a lot of experience, and great ideas to share!  January 12th at noon via Zoom.  Hope to see you then!!

Some of the great Conference Presentations that were mentioned included:

 Dr. Nancy Allred's Teaching Cross-Rhythms

Dr. Kevin Olson's Hymns and Practical Keyboard Skills

EL Lancaster's Creative Ways of Devloping Skills for a Lifetime

Dr. Christie Sowby's The Art of Asking Questions for Positive Motivation 

Emily Jorgenson's Pianist Without Fingertips

* * * * *

Here are some additional links to things mentioned in our meeting:

Motivation by Daniel Pink

Drive by Daniel Pink

Releasing the Music in Your Head by Tod Machover

Get Better Academically wsnapsith Music!

Last, but not least, here is the Cookie Recipe

Mrs. Thayer's (Karen's piano teacher from years ago!) Christmas Recital Gingersnaps

3/4 C salad oil 

1 C sugar
Creamed together.

Mix in:
1 egg
1 T cinnamon
3/4 tsp cloves
2 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp baking soda
4 T molasses

Stir in:
2 C flour

Chill the dough then form in small balls. Dip in sugar.  Place on greased cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees for 7-8 minutes.
Yield: 4 dozen

Monday, November 9, 2020


The UMTA State Conference was held online this year, due to continued problems with the pandemic.  

However, there are some silver-linings to even Covid-19!  The conference is available for the next seven months!!  You can "rewind" something you missed, or want to write down!!  You can choose the time of day you "attend" a presentation!!

You'll be glad you did!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

BRAIN BOOSTERS: Off the Bench Activities

What a great Zoom meeting we had today.  There was only one "down side" ~~ I forgot to hit the record button!!

It was wonderful to "see" so many of our chapter there!!  One of the great things about Covid19 is it has taught us the beauty of using technology to reach more of our chapter.  Many can't attend in person due to teaching in other places, but the Zoom option helps mitigate that problem.  We will definitely keep "Zooming" our meetings, even when we are able to be back in person!!

A few of the things Danielle Dallas, our fabulous presenter, touched on were:

  • Brain activity is benefitted when we move.
  • When we couple activity with music, it is even more beneficial
  • These activities can be done in very short bursts of time and can be accomplished with the student or the student following directions
  • Jumping jacks are great!  But so are "speed skater" movements, cross kicks and touching knees or toes...anything that gets the body moving!
  • The tennis ball review game!!  The student bounces a tennis ball and catches it.  For each bounce, he says the next note of the scale (or chord, or arpeggio, etc.)  There's movement involved with music.  Add another element by putting some music on. 

Here is the link to the video Danielle talked about.  It's great!!

Winning Rhythms is a free pdf or word.doc download that Danielle also recommended.

Lastly, we don't have a chapter meeting in November due to our UMTA Conference that is being held online this year due to Covid19.  It is FREE TO ALL, but you do need to register.  The deadline for registration is October 24th, 2020 at midnight.  Register now to avoid forgetting!!  There are a few live Zoom meeting on both Friday, November 6 and Saturday November 7th.  You'll want to check those out after November 5th on the UMTA website when the conference links go "live."   UMTA website 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Utilizing Zoom in Group Classes

 We had a wonderful presentation from Laurisa Cope, NCTM!!

Utilizing Zoom in Group Classes

We had some great discussion on ways we have had to change due to the pandemic and the need to turn to online teaching and lessons; we also discussed things we have learned, and even some of the good things that have come about because of the "forced" learning curve.

Laurisa shared her slide show with us, so if you'd like to download it and utilize some of the tools there, you can.  This is a great resource!  Thank you, Laurisa!!  Powerpoint Presentation

**  Reminders:  Our next chapter presentation will be October 13th at noon, also via Zoom.  Danielle Dallas will present on Brain Boosters: Off the Bench Activities to Maximize Musical Learning.  The link will be sent out the day before.

       Caroline Jennings is our chapter's AIM chairman and ALSO the Southern Region Chair.  As such, she is helping work through more edits to the AIM program, and they are also creating training videos that will help us with our AIM program and teaching our students!  Exciting changes!!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

COVID 19 and UMTA Chapter Meetings

 The pandemic that reared its ugly head mid-March was gracious enough to wait until after the wonderfully successful Southern Utah Piano Pedagogy Conference held at Dixie State University under the leadership of Dr. Nancy Allred (DSU) and Dr. Christian Bohnenstengel (SUU).

Since that time, our chapter meetings were curtailed.  We have learned a lot about Zoom meetings and the many benefits of technology.  Therefore, our first few meetings beginning with September 2020 will be held via Zoom.  Details will be coming later via email.  We all look forward to getting back to normal and enjoying the associations with have with our chapter!

Taking a snippet from the UMTA website, below are listed the meetings that will be held in September and October.

We hope you'll plan to join us from the comfort of wherever you may be!

Additional calendar information can always be found at:

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Southern Utah Piano Pedagogy Conference

What an amazing day this was!  We were dumbfounded that so many people registered, and that others came the day of the conference.  Hats off to Dr. Nancy Allred and Dr. Christian Bohnenstengel for putting together such a great event!

Presenters included:  Kevin Olson, Mark Gubler, Brandon Lee, Nancy Allred, Christian Bohnenstengel, Lori Arnold, and Shane Bowles.  Each class had valuable information, and participation.  One of the really nice things about this conference was we didn't have to decide which class to go to.  Everyone got to go to all of the presentations.

Lunch was provided through Chick-fil-et, and DSU Food Services.  It was perfect!  We didn't have to go off campus, and it gave us time to socialize with other teachers.

Kevin Olson taught the Master Class at the end of the conference, and the concert Beethoven at Five was excellent!

If you want to review/see what was presented, here are the links:

Nancy Allred: Tips for More Effective Practice and Performance

Mark Gubler: Inspiring Deep Practice

Brandon Lee: Remote teaching (Skype/Facetime)

Kevin Olson: Fluently Speak the Language of Music

Kevin Olson - handout

Shane Bowles: Fundamentals, Improvisation, Composition - The Amazing Connection to the Staff

Christian Bohnenstengel: The Healthy Pianist - Injuries and Prevention

Lori Arnold: The Making of a Piano Teacher

Once again, thanks to all those who made this event possible, and thanks to all who participated!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


We were very disappointed to hear that Paul Anderson is having severe back issues, therefore needed to cancel his presentation to our chapter today.  We are praying he has a speedy recovery, and look forward to his presentation later down the road.

Not to miss an opportunity to share with each other, our chapter still met and shared out favorite pieces of repertoire that others may not be familiar with.  Here's the list of what was shared:

Karen Baker:
Sky Blue by Vandall
Imagine – Bk 2 by Marth Meir
Caroline Jennings
Museum Masterpieces – Rollins
Jazz Book – Mike Springer
Majestic Mountains - Springer
Debbie Clementson
Applause Books
Contest Winners
Grand Solos by Bober
Guardians of Ballinmore
Carole Terry
Pianoworks Collection 1 by Bullard
Audition Repertoire by Jane Magrath
Patrice Hunt
Concerto in Chords – Glover
Midnight Maurauders – Noona
Ride of the Masked Bandito - Noona

We enjoyed getting to know a few new people to our chapter, and missed the ones who weren't here.  Welcome to Lisa Waite and Ashley Ricks.

Looking forward to the first annual Southern Utah Piano Pedagogy Conference (SUPPC) being held February 22, 2020 at DSU, Eccles Building.  The cost is only $25 for the entire conference and there are several great presenters coming.  No membership is required to attend!!  We hope to see you there!