What an information packed meeting we had today!! I had no idea I was so limited in my view of what flashcards can do!
Leslee Bishop, NCTM, came down from SLC to share some of her great ideas with us. Rather than try to explain everything, I'm going to post some pictures, along with the handout she gave us:
Rhythm Flashcards - Lots of uses for these...some fun games!! (See the FREE links below!)
Rhythm Flashcards 1
Rhythm Flashcards 2
Rhythm Flashcards
Rhythm Flashcards 4
Rhythm Flashcards 5
Great CHORD flashcards!! Easy to make and use!!
Theory Wrap-ups...I've never seen before...Mark had to show me how to use them...rather clever!!
Simple little flashcards...just numbers...correlated with the number of measures in a piece your student is memorizing. They draw out a number then have to play that measure independently of the piece...memorized. You could start out with using the music, but what a great tool for thorough memorization! (I used a modified version with a student this afternoon!! FUN!)
Thanks to Lezlee for taking the time to come and share so many wonderful ideas with us!! Hope to see you NEXT month!
**My personal recommendation for the month: Paul Cardall's Reverently, Quietly is a beautiful, simple arrangement that is perfect for a student to play in Sacrament meeting. It's easily attainable, and brings a beautiful spirit with it. For $1.99 download fee, I LOVE having my students play it!
Reverently, Quietly - Sheet Music
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