So many good reminders and motivations today! "The biggest enemy to talent isn't genes or's poor practice!!"
Mark shared a lot of information from a book called The Talent Code:
This might not mean much to those of you who weren't in attendance, but hopefully it will trigger memories for those who were there. One of the things that was a strong point to me was: Myelin doesn't care who you are, meaning your genetics; it only cares what you do, meaning practice!!
We talked about how important it is to help our student find productive, creative, different, and interesting ways to practice AND to reset their brains if mistakes are embedded somewhere. Rachel France told about one of her students and how she helped him go over and over a certain section using different rhythm accents, beats, sections, working backwards, etc., to help him finally "get" a part he struggled with.
Dr. Nancy Allred has a quote on her office door that sums today's information up: "The only difference between ordinary and extraordinary is PRACTICE!"