We were so excited to get "Part 2" of this great presentation by Denise Frost. As one of our members put it so well, "I've never had composing taught so easily...that I'm actually now teaching composing in my studio." (See video at the bottom)
This sentiment echos loud and clear. We have been given EASY tool to use to help our students explore the world of creating their compositions.
Some great suggestions included:
Open Triad - use the middle note of the LH chord, and put it an octave higher in the RH melody.
Question & Answer: Use Mary Had A Little Lamb as an easy example of this.
Start with a chord progression, using the "pie" of 6 chords.
In this case:
C F G and Am Dm and Em.
These chords are great "friends" and work well together. Pick 4 to work with.
* You can use any adjacent wedges of the pie to create a composition in any key.
LH Accompaniment Ideas:
Add a 5th interval note
"Enya" style with LH 1-5-8-10-13 or any combination of these
Use cadences - I IV - V - V7 etc
Make up lyrics to add a rhythm. We came up with:
"Such a beau-ti-ful warm spring-day.
I like chew-ing bub-ble-gum in the hay."
Don't forget that repeating patterns can be very nice.
THANK YOU, DENISE, for a delightful presentation!